Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Instant personal Dropbox for your students with Google Apps

This is a useful workflow if you are a Google Apps user which I borrowed from someone else and tweeked a little. It allows you to have a shared folder with each student you teach, with very little effort on your, or their part:

1 - In your Google Drive, create a folder. I teach ICT so I have created one called 'Assessment'. Inside this, I have created a folder for each of the classes that I teach. For this example, let's say I teach a class called 8A.

2 - Instruct the students of 8A to go to Google Drive and create a folder called "ICT their name". The 'their name' bit is handy as you can quickly see who's folder is who's. get them to share the folder with you.

3 - Go to "shared with me" in your Google Drive and move all of the shared student ICT folders into the 8A folder in assessment.

Viola, you now have a shared folder where you can access student work at anytime, provide feedback and so on.

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